
You Get to Release Old Stuff that Gets in the Way

“I would highly recommend  Emotion Code work with Karen Duncan. She is caring, polite, and very good. I contacted her about removing a heart wall. Some things I knew about, others not about all and, we got down to very old core issues.

Additionally, we worked on organs, toxicities, energy meridians, and alignments. This is great, you get to release old stuff that gets in the way today without all the stuff that goes with “talk therapy” or medication. I found I could look at memories or issues without the emotional component and so easier to let go. Some just disappear and  I sort of feel “healthier”, a “feeling good”.”

I Felt More Clear and Free of Burdens Within Me

I went to see Karen for general emotional issues as well as for some specific minor physical concerns.  Everything that was uncovered made complete sense to me and with each session I felt more clear and free of burdens within me.  We discovered a heart wall that took several clearings and again each time something was cleared I felt more able to deal with the stressors in my life to the point where the stressors seemed less and less triggering.  I feel more accepting and my heart feels more able to love unconditionally.  I would definitely go back to Karen for any physical or emotional issues.”  

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