The Emotion Code
& The Body Code

The Emotion Code and Body Code are holistic healing techniques that help people release trapped emotions and restore balance to the body and mind.

The Emotion Code and The Body Code are holistic healing techniques that help people release trapped emotions and restore balance to the body and mind.

Both the Emotion Code and the Body Code are based on the principle that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and that by releasing trapped emotions and addressing imbalances, we can tap into that natural healing ability and achieve greater levels of health and wellbeing.

About The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a system that helps identify and release trapped emotions, which are emotional energies that can become trapped in the body during times of intense emotion. These trapped emotions can cause physical and emotional problems such as pain, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. The Emotion Code uses muscle testing and other techniques to identify and release these trapped emotions, which can lead to a greater sense of emotional freedom and wellbeing.

About The Body Code

The Body Code is a more comprehensive system that addresses a broader range of imbalances in the body, including trapped emotions, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and structural misalignments. It helps identify and release these imbalances by addressing the underlying causes of physical and emotional discomfort. The Body Code uses muscle testing and other techniques to identify and release imbalances, which can lead to greater physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

They are unique in their focus on identifying and releasing specific energetic blocks that may be contributing to health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. It also uses muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind, allowing for a more individualized and targeted approach to healing.

They can be used to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental issues, including chronic pain, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues, among others.

The number of sessions needed varies based on the individual and their specific issues. Some people may see improvement after just one session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions to achieve long-term healing and balance.

The Emotion Code & The Body Code are generally considered safe and non-invasive, with few to no side effects. However, some people may experience temporary symptoms as the body adjusts to the changes initiated by the Emotion code or The Body Code, such as temporary emotional releases or physical discomfort.

During a session, the practitioner will use muscle testing to identify any trapped emotions, imbalances, or other blocks that may be contributing to health issues. Once identified, the practitioner will use various techniques to release these blocks and restore balance to the body’s energy system and may make recommendations to help crystallize the changes.

Muscle testing can be used to tap into the subconscious mind to answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s a noninvasive method designed to determine the potential underlying causes of ailments and discomfort — everything from nutritional needs to trapped emotions.

Yes, they can be used in conjunction with other types of healing or medical treatments. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to a treatment plan.

They can be done remotely, as the practitioner can communicate with the client’s subconscious mind through muscle testing regardless of physical location.

The Emotion Code & The Body Code practitioners undergo training and certification through Dr. Bradley Nelson’s organization, Discover Healing. There is also an ongoing Practitioner Education program.

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